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Simplifying Crypto

NavCoin is an easy to use digital currency - run by its community. It’s programmable money that lowers the cost of doing business in the Web3 economy.

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Welcome To NavCoin

NavCoin Wallets
  • Low friction payments

    Designed for fast, cheap, and secure peer-to-peer payments. A network that's driven to lowering the cost of doing business.

  • Community run since 2014

    Decentralization isn’t just a buzzword. It’s built into the very foundation of the network, to create a culture of permissionless innovation.

  • An economic system that pays for itself

    NavCoin funds itself using the most advanced community fund ever built. The first fully-decentralised, fully-autonomous fund that only the community controls.

  • People-friendly money

    Cryptocurrencies are complicated, but it doesn’t need to be that way. NavCoin aims to make paying with crypto so easy your parents can do it.

NavCoin's Top Features

Sustainably Proof of Stake

NavCoin runs on Proof of Stake, which consumes a fraction of the energy of a Proof of Work network.

Network scalability

Testing shows current capacity at 260+ transactions per second, alongside active research into layer 2 scaling solutions.

Low cost global payments

Send money cheaply, anywhere in the world, without needing to go through a bank.


Privacy has always been a central part of NavCoin, from the original NavTech to the upcoming improvements.

Quick payments

Transactions show up in seconds, and are confirmed within 30 seconds, making it ideal for business.

Pay a name, not a number

NavCoin uses OpenAlias to make sending money as easy as typing an email address.

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Values That Are Built Into The Network

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NavCoin's Ecosystem

single block

1. Protocol

The NavCoin blockchain forms the foundation for everything, is completely open source, and secured by nodes running all around the world.

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collection of blocks

2. NavHub

NavHub is the 2nd layer of our ecosystem, and is where you can see the various projects being built on top of the NavCoin protocol.

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connected network of blocks

3. People

Anyone can get involved in NavCoin, and even get paid for their efforts. Join our community channels to hear the latest news & updates.

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Join Our Active NavCoin Community

Anyone can join our community of doers: developers, entrepreneurs and technologists all working together to build a new economic system.