Community Fund

NavCoin is built by the community, for the community - it’s an open-source project that ran no premine or ICO. NavCoin’s Community Fund enables anyone to get paid by the network for their contributions to the NavCoin ecosystem. Projects are funded and approved by the decentralized network with no central authority. This ensures NavCoin’s direction remains firmly in the best interest of the network and is autonomously determined by the community.

Hero image

How The Fund Works In 3 Steps

Step 1: Submit

Dream up the improvements you would like to see in the NavCoin ecosystem, and submit your proposal to the network.

Step 2: Vote

Anyone who is staking the NavCoin network can vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for every proposal with their full network weight.

Step 3: Payment

Payments are only released after a second round of voting validating ‘proof of effort’ by the proposal owner.

The Worlds Most Advanced Community Fund

The fund pays you to take your idea, nurture it, and build a team to bring it to life

Dual-vote consensus

The first community fund to implement a dual vote, to ensure that if work is never completed the funds are returned.

Open to anyone

Anyone and everyone can get involved by submitting a proposal - leaving it to the network to decide what's most valuable.

No centralised fund

No one owns the NAV in the Community Fund, the only way they can ever be spent is by the dual network consensus vote.

250,000 NAV per year

Every block that gets minted generates 0.25 NAV into the community fund which accumulates over time.

Different ways to get paid

Funds get released through a second vote - which can be paid out in stages or once the work is completed.

The network decides

The community fund gives more power to the community - by funding people to get involved, and giving the network more of a voice about the direction of NavCoin.

How Do I Get Involved?

The NavCoin Collab website is the space to find the range of projects that the community is working on. It acts as the ‘town square’, and makes it easier for the community to collaborate on projects together.

Join the Collab

How To Create A Proposal

We’ve got a process to help you ensure your proposal has the best chance of passing.

Think of things that could inspire the NavCoin network. You can go it alone or discuss it with the community in Reddit, Discord or on the NavCollab website.
It can be anywhere, but to give your project maximum visibility in the community consider using the NavCollab website.

Work out the details of the project. You need to communicate why the NavCoin community should fund it, if you need to tap into other people’s skills, and how long it will take from start to finish.

Your proposal might suiting being funded in stages, especially if it’s long term devising a roadmap will help.
Do you need other skills to bring your project to life? Use NavCoin’s social channels and the NavCollab website to find community members who can help you complete your project.
Complete the proposal form, including a link to your project page.

To complete the process, you will need to pay a proposal fee. If the fund has only a small amount of NAV left, then the projects that pay the highest fees to the network will be accepted first. A fee is necessary to stop people submitting poorly thought out proposals.
Once you’ve submitted your proposal, promote your project using the community channels. Communicate why you think it’s worth funding what benefits will it bring? Why should the community support it?
To be eligible to vote you must be staking NavCoin. Each voting period lasts 20,000 blocks (roughly 7 days).

  • The minimum participation rate of stakers needs to be 50%

  • Of that 50%, a proposal must receive 75% ‘yes’ votes to be accepted

  • 67.5% ‘no’ votes will result in it being rejected.

  • Proposals that don't met the 50% participation rate after 6 block periods will timeout and need to be resubmitted.
Start work and do your best to stick to your timeline.

Keep the community updated with how things are progressing in your project. It’s ok to ask for help along the way.
Once your project is complete you can apply for payment from the Community Fund. If there are clear milestones in your proposal you can apply to receive payments at scheduled points in the timeline.

Payment is subject to a second consensus vote among NavCoin stakers. There must be a 50% minimum participation, with 50% ‘yes’ vote to be paid and 50% ‘no’ for payment to be rejected.

Note that you will need to submit your payment request before the project expiration date (which you set when you create your proposal - so make sure to include some buffer).

Join Our Community

Promote your proposal ideas to the NavCoin community to get feedback, find collaborators and get votes.