
The objective of the NavCoin Manifestos is to clearly set out the reasons contributors to the NavCoin community do what we do, how we do it and why. These documents cover guiding principles, purpose, scope of work and operational requirements to ensure we share the same values and always operate in the best interests of the network.

Read our manifestos

Why Decentralization Is Revolutionary

As contributors to the NavCoin community we are members of one of the world’s first functioning anarcho-syndicalist societies. This revolutionary system is based on the belief that when people are free to act in their own best interests, they naturally work in the best interests of society as well. Another way to describe anarcho-syndicalism is decentralization.

Make The World A Better Place

Decentralized digital currencies like NavCoin take control of the monetary system away from government and corporate elites, and returns freedom, privacy and financial power to the individual. That’s why NavCoin is not just a payments protocol, it’s actually a vector for a profound change in the way the global economic system operates. Decentralized governance is at its heart. Because there is no central authority for NavCoin, a crucial part of our role as members of this community is to be champions of neutrality and consensus based decision making.

Benefits Of Decentralization

Decentralization also offers protection from corruption. History has shown us countless times that too much power in too few hands inevitably leads to its abuse. What’s more it gives the individual a chance to make a real difference. Improvements to the protocol come from the bottom up, and can be submitted by anyone. NavCoin’s thriving community is living proof that when people are trusted to do good, they will contribute for the good of all.

It All Depends On You

When everyone in the NavCoin community takes responsibility for contributing to the development of the protocol and is actively pushing it’s message out to the world, not only does the community benefit, the benefits spread to society as a whole. Conversely, without your participation as an empowered autonomous individual there can be no decentralization, and hence no NavCoin. NavCoin’s success truly is up to you, and you are free to make it happen.

Get Involved

NavCoin is a community initiative that allows anyone to contribute in a number of different ways. The NavCoin ecosystem is more than just open-source development. Content creation, promotion and adoption are equally important as a decentralized digital currency -  that’s why the key to success is contributions from people of different skillsets.

Read Our Manifestos

The NavCoin core values and contribution guidelines

Developer Manifesto

Essential reading for anyone who wants to contribute to NavCoin's open-source code.

Get the Manifesto

Content Manifesto

A guide to the shared values and objectives of NavCoin community content contributors.

Get the Manifesto

Brand Guidelines

A handbook to help you match the content you create to the NavCoin brand look and feel.

Get the Guide